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If you find yourself over reacting, numbing out, shutting down or going into fight, flight or freeze mode in situations that do not typically warrant those reactions, you are probably struggling with unhealed trauma. If you find yourself shrinking, feeling small, procrastinating and constantly second guessing yourself, you are most likely struggling with feelings of shame, unworthiness and feelings of not being good enough.

In The Healing Code of Forgiveness: Freedom from Shame and Trauma workshop, Ester Nicholson, Trauma Healer, Agape International Licensed Practitioner and author of Soul Recovery — 12 Keys to Healing Dependence, will guide you through a powerful process of healing unconscious core wounds that have blocked you from your highest and authentic self. You will come away from the workshop with:

  1. Confidence
  2. Feelings of empowerment
  3. Release and relief
  4. Peace
  5. Clarity
  6. Feeling positive and hopeful about your life


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