Being committed to the journey yet open to the destination is an essential part of finding peace with your own personal story. There are many ways to follow a path that leads to a life of true freedom and joy, and many resources available to you as a guide along your way.

Through our Sunday celebration services, SpiritGroup connections programs, various classes, and interpersonal relationships we offer several opportunities for spiritual growth and healing. However, sometimes one-on-one sessions, working through specific questions, blocks, or traumas may offer additional support and guidance along your unique journey.

To that end, Unity of Olympia is honored to offer the following Spiritual Healing resources for both our members and to the community. We invite you to click on the links below to learn more about what is available to you. Namaste.


Spiritual Counseling helps you relate spiritual principles to the stories and situations of your life, revealing a deeper understanding and creating a sense of peace.

The Sedona Method is a simple, powerful, and easy-to-learn technique that teaches you how to tap into your natural ability to let go of any painful or unwanted feelings in the moment.

Spiritual direction is a relationship that embraces deep non-judgmental listening, gentle guidance, prayer, meditation and an exploration of life’s questions.