What is Spiritual Counseling?

Spiritual counseling is grounded in reflective listening and faith-filled prayer that helps you remember that we are immersed in Spirit - and God is always present in every situation. Spiritual Counseling helps you relate spiritual principles to the stories and situations of your life, revealing a deeper understanding and creating a sense of peace.

What to Expect:

Every session with Reverend Terry begins and ends with prayer. You’ll be asked to tell her about the specific issue or situation that has your attention as she listens mindfully. The primary work of the session is to open your mind to the infinite possibilities that exist for you through a series of questions and answers. Rather than providing solutions, Reverend Terry will help you explore ‘what is’ and ‘what could be’. The two of you engage in a practice of trusting that God/Spirit is guiding and directing the conversation for your highest good and any spiritual and/or emotional growth that would serve you and the world.

What is the time investment?

Spiritual counseling is intended to address a specific issue within one to three sessions. If you believe you’d benefit from additional therapeutic assistance, a referral will be provided for you.  All information shared within a counseling session will be kept confidential unless you share something that violates Washington State Laws.

How much does it cost?

Unity of Olympia members are invited to provide a Love Offering for this service. Our community is a Spiritual Cooperative entirely supported by the responsible giving of those who wish to forward the mission and purpose of this community.

The non-Unity member fee is $80 per hour. You may leave an appropriate gift with Reverend Terry at the end of your visit. Checks should be made payable to Unity of Olympia and should indicate ‘Spiritual Counseling’ in the lower left-hand corner.

About Rev. Terry

Reverend Terry has received extensive training in spiritual counseling. She graduated from Unity’s Ministerial Education Program which provided an in-depth study and application of the tools of Spiritual Counseling. Reverend Terry received a BA in Psychology from Ottawa University in Overland Park, Kansas. As a lifelong learner, she has studied the works of Carl Jung (metaphysics) and Carl Rogers (humanistic) in addition to participation and practice of the Twelve Steps for several decades. Supplemental certificates include Quantum Living Coaching; Non-Violent Communication Mediation Training; Mediation Skills for Church Leaders; Peacemaking Skills; Clinical Pastoral Orientation for Hospital Chaplaincy and a Certificate in Integral Ministry.