Welcome Home Your Soul
“Listening is the doorway to everything that matters.” Mark Nepo
Spiritual direction is a relationship that embraces deep non-judgmental listening, gentle guidance, prayer, meditation and an exploration of life’s questions. It is not counseling which has a specific goal in mind. We spend our time listening for what Spirit is prompting us to do or be. It is a space for exploring faith and the many experiences of joy and sorrow that constitute the human experience. As a spiritual director, I will companion you on your spiritual journey or quest.
We will open our meeting with prayer and meditation, then allow Spirit to guide our discussion. I will be a facilitator of this process by asking questions and reflecting what might be coming up.
All sessions are kept confidential unless an issue violates state law.
Sessions are generally an hour, once a month, either on Zoom or in person. We will decide together what works the best. Our sessions will continue as long as we both see the meetings as beneficial. Companions stay with a director for a single visit or a lifetime, or somewhere in between!
The first session is always free. At that time, we will decide if this is the right experience for you. If our sessions continue, they will be offered on a LOVE OFFERING basis. You may leave an appropriate gift with me at the end of our session.
I am trained through Unity Worldwide Spiritual Institute and the Metta Center, with an emphasis on grief companioning and interfaith perspectives in spiritual direction. I am a thirty+ year member of Unity of Olympia, a long-standing prayer team member, and a certified Quantum Living Coach. My passion is continuous spiritual growth.
I am looking forward to sharing this journey into the soul with you.
In peace and love, Linda Ihrig
You can find out more about spiritual direction from the international organization at www.sdicompanions.org
Or from Joni Lorraine at spiritualdirection@unity.org