What is the Sedona Method?

The Sedona Method is a simple, powerful, and easy-to-learn technique that teaches you how to tap into your natural ability to let go of any painful or unwanted feelings in the moment.

What can I expect?

The Sedona Method consists of a series of questions you ask yourself that lead your awareness to what you are feeling in the moment and gently guide you into the experience of letting go. By doing so, you can uncover the happiness and joy that already exist within you. This method can also assist you in releasing beliefs and blocks that hinder you from having, being, and doing the things your heart desires.

What does it cost?

To receive this service of four hour-long sessions as a gift from Unity of Olympia, please fill out this form to get started. 

Additionally prior to your first session, please consider these questions: 1. What is an issue you would like to feel better about? 2. What is a goal you would like to achieve?

About Susan

With over 20 years of experience in practicing and facilitating this method, I have witnessed remarkable improvements in relationships, health, finances, and overall feelings of contentment and well-being.