You are welcome here...

We invite you to join us for a refreshing, joy-filled celebration of the Spirit within on Sunday mornings.

Enjoy soulful, live music; nurturing children's programming; engaging talks; and centering meditation. Sundays at Unity are filled with reflection, connection, and warmth.

Join us in person or online right here. Wherever you are, Spirit is, and all is well.

What to Expect

Our Welcome Team members will invite you in and offer you a bulletin with information on the day's service as well as listing of upcoming and ongoing events. Welcome Team members are there to answer any questions you may have.

Sunday service is about an hour and we invite you to join us in the Social Hall afterwards where you can meet the minister, enjoy some snacks, and connect with others.

Members of the Prayer Team are also often available after service for private prayer should you wish.

Bringing Children?

We welcome children of all ages into our sanctuary where they are invited to join our Youth & Family Ministries program which offers age appropriate lessons and activities for babies through high school.

Or if you would rather, you are welcome to have them remain in the service with you. 


Unity Story Telling

Once a month, members from the community share their stories about how applying and practicing Unity principles has influenced their personal lives.

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