The light of God surrounds me, the love of God enfolds me, the power of God protects me, the presence of God watches over me. Wherever I am, God is and all is well.

Prayer Works

At Unity of Olympia we believe in the power of prayer and meditation to help people experience a stronger connection with the Divine, and to enhance spiritual understanding.

We especially focus on affirmative prayer, the highest form of creative thought, which includes releasing counterproductive, negative thoughts, and holding in mind statements of spiritual truth.

Our Process

We also believe that anyone can pray. Anyone, anywhere, anytime. There is no right or wrong way to pray for yourself or for others and we offer this Five-Step process simply as a guide to get started.

  1. Relax into the moment and release all concern or fear about the person or situation.
  2. Concentrate on a Divine Idea. For example, if the person is having an experience of poor health, we affirm vitality, strength, life, and wholeness. If the person is having an experience of lack, we affirm affluence, supply, abundance.
  3. Meditate on this Divine Idea, seeing it as the truth of the person and situation.
  4. Realize the truth of the situation, affirming and claiming that what we pray for is already occurring.
  5. Give thanks for realized prayer brought to fruition. And so it is!
Request Prayer

Prayer is always available to you, and you can request prayer in many ways.

  1. A member of the Prayer Team is available most Sundays after service for private prayer.
  2. You may place a request form in the prayer box on Sundays or fill out this online form, and a member of the Prayer Team will respond according to your preferences.
  3. You may request prayer through Silent Unity by calling 816-969-2000 or clicking here.