Dear Friends,
Happy New Year! May you be blessed with a continuing awareness of your abundance, health, and vitality! As we launch into a New Year we turn our attention to a topic familiar within Unity circles: Faith and the power of God. This year’s theme is Discover the Power. Each month in 2024 will be a focus on classic Unity teachings brought into 21st century understandings and practices.
The New Year brings an opportunity to review where we’ve been in consciousness and to co-create something even better. More peace, more acceptance, more love – these are my goals. The 30-Day Challenge begins January 1st. This is an opportunity to take part in daily practice toward increasing the good in your life through whatever goal you choose. My practice includes putting money in a jar every day during the month to remind me of the VALUE of the practice. And at the end of the month, I give the jar to our community as material representation of my gratitude for the support I receive. Our affirmation this month is:
“I stand firm in unwavering faith.”
Faith in the power of the Divine working in and through me is paramount in my life. I also see it working in your lives. This year we begin a monthly opportunity to lean into the 12 Powers more deeply. Spirit Week will happen on the 4th Sunday of each month, the same day our teens will be making us pancakes following the service. For your part, you can wear the color that represents the Power of the month – Royal Blue for Faith in January.