Dear Friends,
The second week of June I asked the children about the last day of school and our home school children informed me they don’t have a two-month long summer break. Neither do we! School is continuing to be “in session” at Unity of Olympia. But just like our home school kids, summer brings all kinds of opportunities to play while continuing to learn and grow.
Sundays in July are dedicated to the power of Spiritual Understanding. This power represents the ability to see beyond appearances. It invites us to see the world through a lens of wholeness and holiness. Our lessons will focus on emotional and spiritual intelligence, what they are, why they’re important, and how they work in our lives. Myrtle Fillmore wrote these words in 1936:
“There is much more to living and being healthy than saying one’s prayers and reading good books. One must study one’s every interest, and inclination, and reaction, and desire in relation to the real Christ wisdom, and love, and power, and life, and substance.”
This month we take a deep dive within, and we will find there – peace beyond understanding. This is the path to freedom and joy. Freedom to play and laugh like the children we are in our heart of hearts. Conversation and connection provided after service. And make sure the get the picnic at Carlyon Beach on your calendar! Happy July!
Love & Laughter – Reverend Terry