Interfaith Works Auction Basket
Unity Interfaith Works council representatives, Ann Chenhall and Cynthia Dallas have volunteered Unity of Olympia in creating a basket of goods for auction at Interfaith Works 50th year celebration September 21st, 2024.
The theme of our basket is, “All things Olympia”. We’re talking local, friends! Locally sourced goods, foods, or gift cards to local businesses - even experiences! Perhaps any artisans in our community would consider donating something from your own creativity! No gift is too big or too small.
Items are due to Unity by 9/1. Please provide an approximate value for your contribution so that Interfaith Works can offer a suggested retail value to start the bidding. More information on Interfaith Works 50th year celebration is coming soon! We would love to show our support of Interfaith Works in person if anyone is interested in attending this event.