Governing Members vote at our Annual Membership Meetings to elect our Board of Trustees and make decisions about the future of our ministry. Governing Members are in financial ownership of our ministry, in partnership with center leaders to ensure the sustainability of the organization and the well-being of the community.
Be a Supporting Member in good standing for at least one year.
Have completed the Q-Process or participated in P.A.T.H. or Meditation & Release on a regular basis
Served our community through sacred service.
Participated in other classes, programs, and activities as determined by the minister and approved by the Board of Trustees.
Completed a governance training class.
Continue to support Unity of Olympia financially through regular monthly giving, preferably auto draft or direct deposit.
Governing Members are officially received into our community once a year, prior to our Annual Membership meeting. Supporting Members who have fulfilled their Supporting Member commitments for at least one year are eligible to submit an application for Governing Membership. Once it is verified that the qualifications for Governing Membership have been fulfilled, the application will be submitted to the Board of Trustees for approval. New Governing Members will be officially received into membership of the ministry at a subsequent Sunday service. Questions? Contact us here.