This group provides a safe place to explore spiritual beliefs, religious historical context, and evolutionary trends in a variety of traditions, providing an avenue for spiritual unfoldment.
Youth Programming
Unikids (through age 10): This month we will begin a series on the Four Agreements. We’ll begin with understanding the power of your word. Questions? Email Lisa here.
Uniteens and YOUers (ages 11-18):Uniteens and YOUers are discovering this year’s theme, In the Flow. As a service project to the community they plan to help clean up after our In the flow brunch 1/26. Thank you to everyone for supporting our fundraisers with your love offerings! Questions? Email Kyle here.
Upcoming Events
Click on the event title to learn more or register.
A new group is forming for anyone in the Montesano/Grays Harbor area (or for anyone who would like to join!). Our first meeting is coming up on January 31st. Click here to learn more!
You are invited to join with us in partnering with the Thurston County Food Project to provide food for our community via donations for the Thurston County Food Bank.
Please join the Uniteens and YOUers for pancakes the first Sunday of every month. Funds go to help support our youth in attending Unity NW Region camps and programs.